SA 1 Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) - Request for Trip Approval Form for in or out-of-district travel (student activities related) should be sent directly to the Activities Assistant. Out-of-district travel requests must arrive four weeks prior to the planned trip. Please code your "Request for Trip Approval." Without a code the travel office will not schedule the flight. All JOM must be coded as follows: 350-site code-100-000-420.
SA 2 Student Activity Permission Slip - These slips are required for every student each time they travel. One form should be given to the chaperone and one should be kept in the principal’s office. You do not need to fax this in to our office.
SA 3 Added Duty Contract (Certificated Employees) - This addendum is to be completed prior to the commencement of any coaching or sponsorship duties. Final approval of each applicant is made by the superintendent.
SA 4 Non-Certified Application for Non-BSSD Employees- This form is filled out by all non-school employee applicants for Student Activity positions.
SA 5 Memorandum of Agreement (Classified or Non-School) - This agreement is to be completed by the principal and submitted to the athletic director for any non-certified person recommended by the principal to coach or sponsor a student activity. Final approval of each applicant is made by the superintendent. The agreement is to be submitted prior to the beginning of the activity. (Please note items D & E (application and MOA) must be completed for non-certified coaches).
SA 6 Eligibility Waiver Form - This form to be used for BSSD eligibility academic or attendance waiver requests.
SA 7 Trip Check-Out Form - This form to be filled out by all students who intend to be checked out by appropriate persons while on a student activity trip. No checkout is allowed without this form filled out correctly.
SA 8 Adequate Progress Report Form - This form is required quarterly for all BSSD student activity participants as a progress report. It determines eligibility for the subsequent quarter.
SA 9 Suspension Notice - This form to be filled out for any suspension due to the breaking of BSSD Student Activity policy.
SA 10 Event Notice - This form is filled out by site AD and sent to the BSSD SA Office for all site-sponsored events. This allows us to plan travel and assist where needed.
SA 11 Transfer of Supervision from BSSD to Other - This form is filled out students and their parents who are requesting release from BSSD supervision. This will happen most often on a district sponsored when a parent(s) want to keep their child after the trip is completed.
SA 12 Waiver of Liability for Alternative Travel - This form is filled out by students and their parents prior to student trip that is using a vehicle other than an airplane. (e.g. ATV, snow-machine, boat)
SA 13 Waiver of Liability/No Physical Exam - This form is filled out by all students (and their parents) who have not received a current sports physical. Please note on these forms the expected dates of physical if you know it.
SA 14 Contract for Games - This form is filled out by the site AD when entering into a contract with another school for any athletic contest.
SA 15 Hold Harmless Agreement - This form is filled out by all students (and their parents) who will be participating in any BSSD student activity.
SA 16 Student Activity Survey - This form is filled out at the end of the year by the site AD and sent to the BSSD Student Activity Office as a part of principal check-out.
SA 17 Cooperative Team Host Family Agreement - This form is filled out by both schools, parent and host family before a student with be allowed to participate in a Cooperative Team.
SA 18 BSSD Post Event Evaluation Form - Event coordinators fill out this form after an event is completed to evaluate.
SA 19 Site Firearm Verification Sheet - Site Administrator or designee fills out this form at year-end to verify security of all firearms on site.
SA 20 Parent Permission "Occasional" Over the Counter Medication - Approval form for parent regarding a list of common OTC medication
SA 21 Exemplary Sportsmanship Report - Recognition of sportsmanship incidents by individuals/groups.
SA 22 Media and Game Announcer Pronouncers Guide - Form to assist in correct pronunciation of participant's names.
SA 23 Allergy Notification Form - Form to assist identification of individuals with significant allergies.
SA 24 Coach and Advisor Performance Evaluation - Form to use for post-event/season evaluation of coaches/advisors.
SA 26 Classified Coaches Weekday Travel Stipend Form - BSSD Classified employees who are coaching an activity that receives an approved stipend by the BSSD Activities Department, who are required to miss work to travel for events, may be eligible for a travel stipend to replace lost wages.