Student Records
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Bering Strait School District has competitive salaries, exceptional staff growth opportunities, and a workplace vibe that is cooler than a polar bear's toenails. What we offer isn't just a job; it’s a full-blown adventure!
BSSD is a standards-based and data-driven district. We require progressive, flexible teachers who support a Response to Intervention (RTI) approach to instruction and are willing to implement related strategies. Technology is a mainstay, and being comfortable with online platforms to track student progress, connect with the classroom, and perform day-to-day web wizardry is a distinct advantage.
Check our website for details about our district, as well as video clips of our villages! Once you identify your ideal village, fill out our online application for employment.
We're also scouting for certified long-term substitutes across different villages in the district. As a long-term sub, your airfare to and from your job site and your rent are on us!
NOTE: Bering Strait School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
The District Title IX, 504 and ADA contact person is:
HR Director
Bering Strait School District
P.O. Box 225
Unalakleet, Alaska 99684